Legal Information

This website is provided by the following company:

ESI Audiotechnik GmbH
Mollenbachstrasse 14
D-71229 Leonberg

Telefon: +49 (0)7152 / 398880
Telefax: +49 (0)7152 / 398887

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Managing Director: Claus Riethmüller
Registration Court: Local Court Stuttgart HRB 721093
VAT ID: DE250467892
WEEE-Reg.-No.: DE29621325
Person responsible for editorial content: Claus Riethmüller

Social Media

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Copyright © 1998-2025 ESI Audiotechnik GmbH. All rights reserved. The content and structure of this website is protected by copyright law. Copying of information and data, including but not limited to texts and picture material, requires our consent. All rights are reserved by ESI Audiotechnik GmbH and their partners.


Several brand and product names mentioned on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of ESI Audiotechnik GmbH. All other used brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The absence of an appropriate indication about the brand or trademark ownership does not imply that the name in question is a free name as defined by trademark legislation.


The content of the pages of this website is for your information and use and has been created with the best of our knowledge. ESI Audiotechnik GmbH does not accept liability for actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information.

The information, including but not limited to data, specifications and pricing information are subject to change without notice.

Our website contains liks to third party websites. Solely the provider of the third party website that has been linked to, and not the provider of this website, can be held responsible and account liable for any illegal and faulty or incomplete contents, particularly for damages from the use or non-use from such information. If we get notified of any issues with links to third party websites that could be critical, we will remove the link.

Dispute Settlement

The European Comission provides an online dispute resolution plattform (OS), which can be found at We are required to inform you about the existance of this plattform, however we prefer to refer you to our customer support with the email address We are not obligated and are not generally willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer-enforcement agency.

Privacy Policy

We guarantee that we are handling your data in a secure way. Additional information regarding our privacy policy in reference to this website can be found on our Privacy and Cookie Policy page.