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Product Reviews

On this page you can find a selection of product reviews and testimonials that have been published for our products around the globe in different languages. Please select the product via the selection on this page first, then a list with the reviews will appear below. If something is missing or if you want us to add a review to this list, please contact us.

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Reviews for M8U eX


11/2019 Paul Vnuk Jr. wrote a detailed RECORDING review of M4U eX and M8U eX: "Both the ESU M4U eX and M8U eX are well built, rock-solid boxes with old school MIDI connectivity for days all with a modern USB 3.0 edge and workflow. Nicely done." - you can check the full text here as PDF.



The February 2019 issue of Sound on Sound features a review of our M8U eX written by Paul White. Here is a quote: "a very flexible MIDI interface - and one that puts in a solid performance to boot" - check the full text of the review here.



German online magazine Buenas Ideas wrote a very detailed review of M8U eX. You can read the full german language review with comments like "... without a doubt a device that isn't in the wrong place in professional studio and stage environments." that resulted in a "Tipp" award here.



Nick Mavridis from online magazine Bonedo (Germany) checked our M8U eX in detail and mentioned:"The performance of the ESI M8U eX is breathtaking." - read the full german language review here!



The famous Russian technology review site ProSound/iXBT published a very comprehensive positive review of our M4U eX and M8U eX written by Maxim Liadov. You can find the complete review in Russian language here.



TobyB of the popular German online magazine Amazona looked at our M8U eX in detail:"The construction is excellent. Usage and installation is non-problematic even for beginners. Advanced users will enjoy the flexibility. The ESI commences itself indeed for the professional league (...)" - read the original German text here!