Radio 7

Oliver Deckenhoff of Radio 7 with uniK 05
"ESI equipment provides proper sound for various applications. It allows us to deliver real unaltered sound to our audience."

Radio 7 is one of the three large radio stations in Germany's state of Baden-W?berg. The privately owned station has around a million listeners each day. 70 employees in Ulm, Aalen, Tuttlingen and Ravensburg produce musically oriented content since 1988.

For the proper sound, the producers, moderators and editors use equipment from ESI, especially our uniK 05 studio monitors. This is crucial to get the best sound when creating mixes of the music rotation or interviews and spots. Also unplugged recordings of artists like Kim Wilde, Sunrise Avenue or Rae Garvey have been created in studios with our equipment. Various computers in the studio are equiped with Juli@ XTe for editing.

On the right you can see a statement made by Radio 7 producers Martin Höchtl and Oliver Deckenhoff on using our products.


Featured Products

Radio 7 is using the following ESI products:

uniK 05
uniK 05
Juli@ XTe
Juli@ XTe